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Setup Process

Running A Node

Follow the steps mentioned below for running a full node or a validator node with Docker:

Step 1: Download the Docker image using the following command

docker pull 5irechain/5ire-thunder-node:0.12

Step 2: Run the Docker image for the desired node

For a full node, run the following command:
docker run  -p 30333:30333  -p 9933:9933 -p 9944:9944 5irechain/5ire-thunder-node:0.12  --port 30333 --no-telemetry --name 5ire-thunder-archive --base-path /5ire/data --keystore-path /5ire/data   --node-key-file /5ire/secrets/node.key --chain /5ire/thunder-chain-spec.json --bootnodes /ip4/ --pruning archive --ws-external --rpc-external --rpc-cors all


The above commands assume that the user has installed Docker on the server according to the Docker guidelines.

If the current user hasn't been added to the docker group then the user will need to prepend sudo to the command before running.


The above validator node command assumes that the user is installing a node in a machine that has Docker installed

Next Steps

Now that you have successfully completed the node setup, head over to the Validator app section to get onboarded and contribute to the security of the 5ireChain network.