Процес налаштування
Запуск вузла
Виконайте наведені нижче кроки для запуску повного вузла або вузла валідатора з Docker:
Завантажте образ Docker за допомогою наступної команди:
docker pull 5irechain/5ire-node:mainnet -
Запустіть образ Docker
For a full node, run the following command:
Terminal window docker run -d -p 30333:30333 -p 9944:9944 5irechain/5ire-node:mainnet --no-telemetry --base-path /5ire/data/ --chain /5ire/specs/5ire-mainnet-specRaw.json --bootnodes /ip4/ --pruning archive --rpc-external --rpc-cors allFor a validator node, run the following command:
Terminal window docker run -d -p 30333:30333 -p 9944:9944 5irechain/5ire-node:mainnet --no-telemetry --base-path /5ire/data --chain /5ire/specs/5ire-mainnet-specRaw.json --bootnodes /ip4/ --validatorFor validators that need to connect to an external app,
--rpc-methods Unsafe
may need to be used, however security risks are involved (for more info, refer to the Substrate documentation).For a validator node with —rpc-methods Unsafe, run the following command:
Terminal window docker run -d -p 30333:30333 -p 9944:9944 5irechain/5ire-node:mainnet --no-telemetry --base-path /5ire/data --chain /5ire/specs/5ire-mainnet-specRaw.json --bootnodes /ip4/ --validator --rpc-external --rpc-cors all --rpc-methods Unsafe
Next Steps
Now that you have successfully completed the node setup, head over to the Validator app section to get onboarded and contribute to the security of the 5ireChain network.